Last year I told my boss when taking a day off that i had anal glaucoma - couldn't see my ass coming to work that day. Thank god he has a good sense of humor. In the HR file the day is marked Sick and the reason AG. They went nuts during an audit trying to figure what AG stood for...but they couldn't ask me due to so some labor laws and also knowing better than come and ask me.
Sriram Daita
Mobile: (732)547-9388
"Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether."
----- Original Message ----
From: Jigar <jigarcshah-/***>
To: nycindianslounge-***
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:34:21 PM
Subject: [NYCIL] Re: Damn outlook
Hey Shiva, Hey Sriram, Hey VJ, Hey Jelly...
Hey NYCIL.. and all the new members... here a warm welcome from one of
your older members.. !
Time to rev things up....
Vrmmm Vrrmmmm
Post by Shivakumar ShankarGeez he didnt even say it completely maan!!!
Post by JigarI heard someone say .. naked????
Came running in...
Where where...?? *looking around earnestly*
Post by VjTell him you are start n*k*d right now, and would he like a recap
Post by JigarPost by Vjthat ;)
Post by Mean Green SuperflyI keep getting those meeting reminders for a weekly recap I
have with
Post by JigarPost by VjPost by Mean Green Superflymy boss in 12 minutes and I have nothing prepared. Oh well.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]